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Webpack Loader

The Webpack loader compiles catalogs on the fly. It's an alternative to the lingui compile command: the loader enables you to import .po files directly, instead of running lingui compile and importing the resulting JavaScript (or TypeScript) files.


Install @lingui/loader as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev @lingui/loader


Simply prepend @lingui/loader! in front of path to message catalog you want to import. Here's an example of dynamic import:

The extension is mandatory.

export async function dynamicActivate(locale: string) {
const { messages } = await import(`@lingui/loader!./locales/${locale}/messages.po`);
i18n.load(locale, messages);

Catalogs with the .json extension are treated differently by Webpack. They load as ES module with default export, so your import should look like this:

const { messages } = (await import(`@lingui/loader!./locales/${locale}/messages.json`)).default;

See the guide about dynamic loading catalogs for more info.